Monday, June 28, 2010

Stressless Living - Is It Possible?

     In todays fast paced society Stress is an everyday challenge. The clock seems to run out before the work is done.  The paycheck can run out before the month or week ends. Spouse, family, work, house,friends it can and does become an endless unmanageable circus.

     However, stress can be and is a very powerful emotion. Along with all the crazy it brings in our interaction with others it will cause very serious personal health problems for us as well.

Let's look at a few of the results of stress

We all experience some stress in our lives every day, but if you find yourself worrying so much that you’re losing sleep and having a hard time concentrating at work, then it is time to take action. Worry and fear are powerful emotions, and if left untreated they can often lead to anxiety and even depression.

The first thing to remember is that just as a seed cannot grow without soil and water to nourish it, your anxiety cannot grow without you feeding it. Anxiety is caused by an intense fear or worry about a possible outcome. These are the thoughts that are running unchecked through your head. The only Way to control your anxiety is by controlling your thoughts.

You can begin by thinking back to other times when you worried about something. Did the fear come true or was the worry groundless? How much time have you wasted agonizing over something that never came about? It’s okay to have a little anxiety, everyone does. It’s when the worry begins to control your life that it has become a serious problem.

Worry has never solved anything. Because worry is a form of fear and intense fear can paralyze us, anxiety can actually make us fear making a decision and prevents us from solving the problem. Instead, we just keep running the same negative possible outcome over and over through our heads. Our fear actually creates additional fear.

If there is something wrong, then you need to focus on fixing it instead of worrying about it. If it can’t be fixed, then worrying about what might happen tomorrow accomplishes nothing except spoiling today. Worry on its own has never fixed anything.

Anxiety can become a vicious cycle that feeds itself. The only way to overcome the anxiety is to overcome the fear, and this is accomplished by changing your thought process. Rather than having a mind full of fear, fill it with hope and favorable outcomes. Events seldom turn out as terrible or as wonderful as we imagine they will. Our thoughts tend to the extreme while life is usually somewhere in the middle.

Concentrate on the positives and when you feel any negativity creeping into your thought process, push it away and go back to the positives. It is like a tug-of-war, either you control your anxiety or your anxiety will control you. Start with small issues and work your way up to larger ones, always picturing a positive outcome. Once you can keep these positive results in mind, you then need to begin taking positive action to make them come about. The cure for anxiety begins as a thought and then works its way into a positive action.

If you are carrying around a lot of worries, you need to either let some of them go or get yourself bigger shoulders.

As a recovering worryer I can only tell you what has worked for me.  First of all I am not in control of all things that go on in or out of my life. Life Happens. 

The more I turned my life and will over to Jesus, He began to do for me what I was unable to do for myself. And that was the mose positive step in my life.

Also, I know what that "Black Hole" looks like, smells like and feels like (depression). I will take whatever steps are necessary to not go near IT.

"The Power And Blessings Of A Sunrise"...Click Here!

"Panic Away"...Click Here!

God Bless,
Stress And Relationships

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